Wednesday, July 20, 2011

a fancy camera doesn't promise fancy pictures!

The Mr and I recently went on a little trip to my favorite place... Portland OR and of course we had to take a little detour through Benson State park and see the waterfalls!  The first one we stopped at was Horsetail Falls, Its beautiful and of course we wanted a picture in front of it! It wasn't very crowded so we thought it was the perfect chance to snap one of each of us! I adjusted my settings and snapped one of the Mr, 

f/2.2  1/60  iso 125 50mm 

Right after I took the picture a sweet lady from behind offered to snap a photo of us together in exchange that I took one for her and her husband, "of course" I responded, It would save me from having to merge two photos together in PS later on! I bumped my shutter speed up a little just in case and handed her my camera. And FYI everything looks like its in focus when its only 2x2 inches on my screen... This is the image we ended up with...

 f/2.2  1/100  iso 125  50mm 

Sadly having a fancy camera doesn't always mean that you are going to get fancy pictures! 
If you are having an event that you don't get a second shot to retake the pictures, don't leave it to chance and hope you get something great because you're dads new co-worker just bought a camera! {or whatever the story may be to get a deal} Also save your self the cash and DON'T go and spend a $1,000 or more on a "fancy" camera that you'll never take off of auto {the little green button} in reality you're just buying a VERY expensive point and shoot camera! 

Happy Wednesday :) 



  1. Oh my gosh I can't tell you how much I LOOOOVE this post!!! It's sooo true!!! And you and your hubby make a GORGEOUS BLUR!!!!! :-) Thankz for this post!!!!

  2. This post is so true... sadly people who have owned a camera for a very short time and use the "green box"setting think they are photographers. They are simply camera owners and not photographers. Neither does attending a "Meet Up" group qualify someone to call themselves professional. Because of people like this the entire industry has been lowered. It used to mean something to say you were a photographer. Now it just means that you went to Costco, bought a camera kit, made some business cards and started posting photos that are over exposed, desaturated, and lack any creative expression, just to post them on a blog like this or on Facebook for all of the other bad photographers to praise. If you are worth your salt, try entering actual photographs in the PPA or WPPi competitions to see if your work is any good. I doubt if we will see anything anytime soon......
